Summerbank Policies
School policies cover different aspects of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, or paper copies of any documents please ask at the school office. For details of the use of our Pupil Premium Grant and sports Premium Funding, please look under the ‘Key Information’ section.
Policies address the practical implications of how to achieve our school vision and are a key way of ensuring that agreed values underpin day-to-day decisions and actions in our academy. They are about ensuring highly effective teaching and learning, about safety and about rights.
All policies of Summerbank Academy are intended to guide the work of the Head Teacher and the staff to provide a framework for the smooth functioning of our school based in a shared understanding of the school’s vision.
Charging and Remissions Policy
Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy 2024
Persistent or Vexatious Complainants
Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation
Privacy Statement for Parents and Pupils
Special Educational Needs and Inclusion Policy
Summerbank Remote Learning Principles and Practice