Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium is an additional sum of money allocated to schools based on the number of children attending the school who have accessed Free School Meals.
As a school we use this money to help overcome potential barriers to success for children and thus supporting them to achieve their full potential. Summerbank Primary Academy received an additional income of £296,000 for the academic year 2024-2025, in addition to this a further sum is allocated later in the Autumn Term for pupils within Early Years.
You can view how we have allocated this money in our Summerbank Pupil Premium Strategy 2024 2025 , this document also captures the review and evaluation of impact of the previous year’s spending. This reflects the second year of our current Summerbank 3-year PP strategy 23-26 .
We review the expenditure and impact of our use of Pupil Premium money at the end of each academic year and then publish our evaluation during the following Autumn Term.