
Under the Academies Act 2010, schools may apply to the Secretary of State to convert to academy status. Such schools are known as academy converters.  Our school converted to be an academy on the 1st September 2017.

The most recent Ofsted report can be accessed below.

The most recent Ofsted inspection of the school took place in November 2023.  The full report can be viewed by clicking here.

The Ofsted website allows you to access the most recent documents related to Summerbank Primary Academy and also reports related to its predecessor school, Summerbank Primary School. 


Ofsted Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of our school.  There is an online questionnaire that can be completed which will ask you about  how happy your child is at Summerbank, how behaviour is managed and how well we support your child.  Clicking on this link will take you directly to the Parent View site. 

Parent View