Nursery Admissions
Our current nursery intake is 52 children. We have a single intake every September. Children start nursery on a part-time basis and quickly move up to a full time place. Prior to your child starting in our nursery, the staff will come and visit you at home in order to see your child in their home environment and complete the necessary admissions forms. If you would like to put your child’s name down for our nursery, please bring your child’s birth certificate into the school office. We will then send you an application form when they are issued to us by the local authority.
Reception Admissions
Children in our Nursery will receive an application pack for a reception place via the school when they are issued to us by the Local Authority. It is essential that you complete your application and return it on time as children in the nursery are not automatically guaranteed a place in the reception class.
In-year Admissions
If you move into the local area or are changing your child’s school mid-way through the academic year you will need to approach the new school, i.e. Summerbank, where you would like your child to attend. The new school (Summerbank) will deal with the in-year transfers and you will need to complete an In-Year Transfer form (available from the school office). We will then review the application and let you know if we are able to admit your child. If you would like more information or have any queries, please contact the school on 01782 233611.
The Admission team at the Local Authority will deal with all other applications for admission, i.e. Nursery and Reception and exceptional circumstances. For any queries please telephone the admissions department directly on 01782 235460 or 01782 236816.
Summerbank Academy adheres to the the Societas Trust Admissions Arrangements for the academic year 2023-2024. You can click on the link below to view the determined admission arrangements for our school, along with much more information on starting school and moving schools:
Admission Arrangements 2024-2025
Admission Arrangements 2025-2026
Admission Arrangements 2026-2027