Physical Education at Summerbank
Our Curriculum Intent
Summerbank Primary Academy aims to provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. At Summerbank, we offer all pupils the opportunity to compete in sports and other activities, in order to help build character and reinforce values such as fairness and respect. We promote equal opportunities for all our children in all areas of the PE curriculum so every child has the opportunity along with the right to an active, healthy lifestyle.
PE lessons are taught with the following aims in mind:
- Meet the requirements of the national curriculum
- Promote a healthy and active lifestyle
- Encourage physical activity and exercise
- Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- Build self-esteem, confidence and resilience
- Provide all pupils with access to the lesson
- Develop pupils’ academic, social and physical ability
- Encourage good behaviour and respect amongst pupils
- Promote teamwork and cooperation amongst pupils
Our PE Curriculum
Physical Education is provided at Summerbank Primary Academy through a broad and balanced curriculum of activities including gymnastics, dance, swimming and many different invasion and tactical games. We aim to deliver two high quality PE lessons weekly using the Merton School Sport Partnership scheme and following the National Curriculum programme of study. The PE curriculum is delivered throughout the whole school. Foundation stages and Key Stage 1 children have a curriculum that focuses on building the fundamental basics of sport through repetitive, engaging games that allow the children to refine and further develop underlying sports skills that will then give them the strong foundations to excel in Key Stage 2 where these skills are applied to a range of different sports. Crucial to maintaining high quality, effective PE lessons is staff CPD. We provide staff and children with a skilled outside provider of dance and gymnastics sessions to not only develop the skills of the children, but also the confidence in staff delivery. As a school, we offer the opportunity for every child to attend an after-school club in a range of different sports. We also really value the school-parent partnerships by undertaking an annual sports day and fun run event. Across the Multi Academy Trust (MAT) we collaborate annually with a focus on a particular sporting event, delivering an inclusive week of educational activities about that sport before the children come together to participate.
To support children in knowing more and remembering more our PE curriculum draws upon a number of our Curriculum Drivers. We use our story topics to create dance performances so that the children have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and embed learning. Teachers use vocabulary from the Merton’s planning to ensure cohesion across the school.