The Organisation and Teaching of Subjects (Y1-Y6)
Over time we have refined how subjects are connected together and taught. How this is implemented is dependent on the needs of individual subject disciplines rather than a ‘one approach fits all’.
Story Topic: Through the school we have developed a ‘Story Topic’ approach where a key text or group of texts is used for English teaching over a term. In the Autumn this is linked to a Geography theme; in the Spring History and in the Summer teachers select a text which allows them to best address the needs of their cohort addressing gaps/taking forward learning. For children who are accessing Read Write Inc as thei main form of English Learning, the Story Topic texts supports broader knowledge of the main topic focus. Art, Design & Technology and Computing (where appropriate) are also linked to the theme/story.
Published Schemes: Music, PE, PSHE, D&T, and Computing are taught throughout the year using the Charanga, Merton, Kapow/Jigsaw, Kapow, Discovery and Purple Mash resources. Phonics is taught through the Read write Inc Phonics Scheme in EYFS and Y1 through to Y2. We use an adapted version of Read Write Inc as an intervention in Y3 and Y4. Children in Y5 and Y6 who have phonics needs access the Fresh Start Scheme from Read Write Inc.
Discrete Teaching: Mathematics is taught discretely and is based on the White Rose scheme. We undertake three ‘totally science’ weeks during the year (one each term) where children are immersed as scientists. This is supplemented by pre/post teaching sessions. The first day of each half term has a PSHE focus with the whole school following a common theme which is then revisited during the half term, assemblies are also linked to this.
Specialist Teaching: We have a Computing specialist in school who teaches the children in our computing suite. Spanish is taught by a native speaker to children in Year 5 and Year 6.
The links below can be used to navigate to each curriculum page.