The Young Explorers Room
Parents and Carers
Here you will find a range of exciting, fun and engaging links to learning and resources that will be useful to use with your children.
There are many different activities that you can use to practise and further the learning that is completed within school and these resources give you chance to have fun with your children and build on the work they have done within school.
Have fun by clicking on the activities to get to all the exciting games, learning and ideas.
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Phonics Play
Click below and practise phonics through some fun games.
Play along with the fun and friendly letters of the alphabet as they work together to make words and tell stories using phonics.
Count to 100 Keep Fit
Exercise, stay active and count ot 100
Number Blocks
Watch these videos to continue to work on the maths we have been doing in school
Maddie Do you Know?
Learn new things with Maddie as she explores the world around us and discovers how stuff works. From washing machines to ice cream, there’s always something exciting to learn.
Get singing! Sing some songs you might already know and learn some new ones.
Exciting Apps to Download
- Jolly Phonics
- Cbeebies Island App
Activities you can do at home
- Go on a shape hunt around your house, what can you find? Are the shapes 2D or 3D?
- Play the corner game; put a shape in each corner of the room, put some music on and when the music stops someone calls out a shape to run to.
- Play Snap with playing cards.
- Practise writing numbers 1-10 correctly.
- Can you roll two dice and add the numbers together?
- Play Hangman. Think of a word and get somebody to guess what it is.
- Use the words in your reading diary to play ‘Whack the Word’. Get an adult to say a word and the child has to whack it with a spoon.
- Play I spy.
- Read a story to your toys!
- Can you write about what the weather is like today?
- Write a message to your friend!
- Do some baking! Could you make rice crispy cakes or decorate biscuits with icing pens?
- Make your own sandwiches!
- Draw a picture of what you can see from your window.
- Plant some seeds! If you haven’t got any in a packet collect some apple pips and put them in soil, water them each day and see what happens.
- Go for a walk or a bike ride, what can you hear? What can you see?