The Performance Room
Here you will find a variety of links and ideas for you to be involved in and complete a number of performances for you to develop your own skills and personality.
Explore this page for a range of performance poetry, examples of Shakespeare and wide variety of modern performances for you to practise and make your own.
Really develop your performances and we all look forward to sharing them with you in school.
Michael Rosen Performance Poetry
Your performance challenge here is to learn and memorise a poem adding actions, ideas and your own personality to create a performance of the poem. Below are a range of links including a range of ideas and examples from one of our most loved poets Michael Rosen.
Top Tips from Michael Rosen
Here you will find a range of tips and ideas to get you started with your own performance poetry.
Michael Rosen Performs Chocolate Cake
Michael Rosen Performs We're Going on a Bear Hunt
Performance Ideas
CBBC Stars Perform Poems
Watch as a number of poems are performed to give you inspiration to create and perform your own poem
I Love my Mother Performance Poem
Poems to Learn and Perform
Here is a link to a range of poems that you can learn and perform using all of these wonderful tips, ideas and by adding your own personal touch
All about Poems
Here you will discover a range of poems to learn as well as a range of hints and tips including from other children on ideas of how to bring poetry to life
Performance Poetry
A lovely range of poems to use and examples of how to bring them to life
Shakespeare Performance Ideas
Here you will find a range of activities linked to the year 5 topic and performance of a Shakespeare play. Click below to access a range of exciting and engaging ideas linked to the wonderful world of Shakespeare